Landon Huffer- Texarkana Real Estate Broker

Rates down again

July 15, 2010
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It seems all you hear is bad news about real estate.  I want you to quit listening to that.  One of the main reasons all you hear is bad is because that is all people talk about is the bad.  Let’s start talking positive.  If you think it, it will become.

Take today for an example.  Mortgage interest rates are lower than they have ever been in history.  How’s this for an example of positive?  Let’s talk about this positive fact.  Now is the time to buy.  Contrary to believe lenders are lending money.  Yes, you too can get the money to buy your new home.

For now on please stop spreading the bad news and let’s start spreading good news.  With enough good news we will pull ourselves out of this “slump.”

Posted in Real Estate

About author

I am a young, eager, and aggressive Real Estate Broker with Schimming Company Commercial Real Estate.





